Transform how you test with Cypress in CI

Cypress Cloud unlocks the full potential of Cypress test automation tools in your CI pipeline. Scale every facet of Cypress testing, and push your code with confidence every time.

Animation: Demo of cypress Test Replay feature

Smart Orchestration

Optimize your runs for a faster feedback loop

  • It can take a long time for tests to complete while running serially on one machine. Increase velocity and shorten feedback loops by parallelizing Cypress test specs across multiple virtual machines in CI.

    Parallelization: ACME on Cypress Cloud
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  • Cypress automatically balances your test specs across the available machines during parallelization. This ensures that your test specs run as fast as possible, with no need for manual configuration.

    Machine 1
    Machine 2
    Machine 3
    Machine 4
    Machine 5
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  • Accelerate your deployment times and quickly verify that your latest changes fixed a build in CI by automatically prioritizing the test specs that failed in the previous Cypress run.

    Machine 1
    Machine 2
    Machine 3
    Machine 4
    Machine 5
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  • Protect valuable CI resources by automatically canceling a Cypress run after a configurable numbers of tests fail. Auto Cancellation reduces CI costs and frees-up resources for other team members and builds.

    Machine 1
    Machine 2
    Machine 3
    Machine 4
    Machine 5
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Visual Reviews

Review and debug failures visually

  • Wind back the clock to any point in an application's execution and see exactly what it was doing during the point of failure. Inspect the DOM, network events, and console logs of your application from your tests exactly as they ran in CI.

    Test replay demo animation
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  • Understand whether you've introduced or resolved failed, flaky, or pending tests. Analyze the impact of your branch's latest pull request by reviewing the before-and-after of test suite changes side-by-side.

    Cypress Cloud: Debugging failures; branch review
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  • Every test run error is captured, grouped, and accompanied by a detailed stack trace output that gives you the information you need to identify the exact point of failure in your application.

    Cypress Cloud: debugging failures
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  • When a flaky test run is detected in CI, Cypress automatically flags the test run with the number of times it flaked in recorded history. Uncover previous flake occurrences and pinpoint when it was first detected.

    Cypress cloud: flake detection
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  • Identify important changes that impact your test runs’ success and performance in CI. Analyze previous test failure rates, test definition changes, run durations, and flake occurrences with complete test history.

    Cypress Cloud: test history
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Test Analytics

Gain actionable insights into your test suite

  • Explore the performance of each test run and track how your project’s health changes over time. Cypress detects updates to your test run’s configuration so you can pinpoint when impactful changes occur.

    Cypress Cloud: test analytics
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  • Ensure adequate test code coverage by tracking your total test suite size and runs over time. You can even filter by branch to fully understand which areas of your application might benefit from more test coverage.

    Cypress Cloud: test suite analytics
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  • Focus your time and resources on addressing the most chronically flaky tests in your test suite. Use Flaky Tests Analytics to prioritize flaky tests based on their recency, frequency, and severity.

    Cypress Cloud: Flaky tests
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  • Quickly surface the most commonly occurring error classes in your test suite. You can even read the exact error messages and understand how many tests are impacted by each error.

    Cypress Cloud: Failure & Error Summary
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UI Coverage

Identify testing gaps in your UI

  • UI Coverage provides a visual overview of test coverage across every page and component of your app, offering clear insights into uncovered areas that everyone can understand.

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  • Increase release confidence by closing testing gaps in critical app flows. Leverage data-driven insights to cover untested areas, reduce incidents, and improve app quality.

    UI Coverage: list all views and interactive elements that have been detected. For each of them have the table reports if they have been tested or not.
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  • Track coverage changes as your app evolves, with insights on every commit. Use automated checks to prevent coverage gaps and address issues before release.

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  • Identify and eliminate duplicate tests to speed up runs, reduce CI costs, and maintain a leaner, more efficient test suite.

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  • UI Coverage works instantly, with no setup or code instrumentation needed. Easily customize reports to fit your needs with flexible configuration options.

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Cypress Accessibility

Automated accessibility checks on every test

  • Maximize the value of your existing Cypress tests by instantly adding thousands of accessibility checks with no setup, code changes, or performance penalty.

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  • Link directly to the violation with exact reproduction steps. Interactive visuals help designers, product teams, and developers easily understand the issue, ensuring everyone is aligned on your accessibility program.

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  • Track progress with historical scores, monitor improvements, and identify regressions quickly. Real-time data ensures you know when problems arise, keeping you on track toward your accessibility goals.

    A bar graph of the accessibility scores evolution in time above a list of the current accessibility violations
    Request trial
  • Shift left by identifying accessibility issues with every code change, catching problems before they merge and avoiding costly regressions in production.

    Pull Request view in Cypress Cloud showing the impact of changes on accessibility
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  • Inspect the DOM for each violation, enabling your team to test solutions, and review the accessibility tree. Speed up triage and resolution compared to text-based or static image reports.

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Integrated Workflows

Integrate seamlessly into your workflow

  • Run Cypress tests in CI and record test results to Cypress Cloud for immediate failure feedback. Cypress Cloud integrates with all CI providers, including CircleCI, GitHub Actions, Bitbucket, Jenkins, and more.

    Circle CIGithub ActionsGitlab CIAtlassian BitbucketJenkinsTravis CI
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  • Create issues for failed tests on-the-fly and review historical issues using Cypress Cloud’s integration with Atlassian Jira — all from within the Cypress UI.

    Cypress Cloud: creating a Jira issue
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  • Improve your team’s collaboration, know exactly when a test fails, and give wider visibility into your test suite’s performance by integrating Cypress with Slack and Teams.

    Commercial logo of the Slack crossCommercial logo of the Microsoft Teams
    Cypress circle logo (without the name)Screenshot of an instant messaging system like slack or team notifying of a cypress run
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  • Integrate Cypress with your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket source control to see test run results as commit status checks and pull/merge request comments.

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  • Implement single sign-on so that you can fully control how your enterprise’s teams authenticate with Cypress.

    Cypress Cloud: Integrations and Enterprise SSO
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Trusted by Enterprise

Cypress is proud to support developers worldwide by making it easier to build and test modern applications.


“After experiencing the Cypress GUI and Cypress Cloud, we definitely did not want to go back to WebdriverIO or our custom Ruby Selenium solution.”

Alfred Lucero

Staff Software Engineer


“We realized pretty quickly that Cypress was the winner. It was very well-documented, it had parallel testing, a dashboard for viewing results, in-browser debugging, DOM snapshots, it was in Javascript, and it was super readable. And best of all, the setup is dead simple.”

Todd Williams

Senior QA Automation Engineer


“Cypress is an amazing testing tool for end-to-end testing. It integrated perfectly with our GitHub pull requests workflow.”

Jean Dessane

Lead Fullstack Javascript Developer


“We started off with a nightly run of our Cypress tests. In a few months, we scaled up our test automation considerably, first to 20 tests a day, then 300 tests a day, and now 4200+ tests daily.”

Kim Hellbom

Engineering Manager


“Being able to delve into the Cypress Dashboard’s metrics and show management what the tests deliver has helped us maintain their buy-in. And now we can use the test suite to benefit other improvements in the future.”

George Palfreyman

Senior Quality Engineer


“With Cypress, we have more diligence, more contribution from devs, more help to review tests, and more solid tests.”

Todd Kemp

Quality Lead

Start running your Cypress tests in CI today

Create your free Cypress Cloud account to transform how you test with Cypress in CI